Tuesday, 29 December 2009


Christmas is officially over....presents all wrapped & unwrapped, half the food bought remains uneaten, the tree doesn't look QUITE as glamorous as it did last week.....

The candles in the centre of this arrangement have been replaced AGAIN in anticipation of more visitors.....

And the Christmas table is still......well, Christmassy!!!!

Is it just me........? This week between Christmas and New Year always feels 'odd' no matter which hemisphere we celebrated in....what should I be doing exactly? There's no food shopping to be done (there's enough in the house to last for at least six months, OK three), no-one is back at work so I can't chase up things ordered before Christmas and which haven't arrived (frustrating!), the idea of going anywhere near a department store brings me out in a cold sweat and as for cooking......... you get the gist......
How many old movies is it reasonable/possible to sit through? Long walks & trips to the gym? Hmm, I'll think about that one tomorrow......
Chocolate anyone.....?........s


  1. Susie, I think your house is the perfect place to be, it looks lovely! Stack up those DVD's..toss the chocolate into a big bowl, take up the whole couch and enjoy! We went into Guildford yesterday with the rest of Surrey and more...I did break into a cold sweat and thought WHAT AM I DOING HERE?? Surely, any savings could not be worth this?? Mr H. thought otherwise as we emptied out COMET for our new appliances. What joy! My son's girlfriend arrives into Heathrow shortly and we will soon be a family of 8 for dinner with my niece having arrived two days ago. Can I come to your house and watch movies???

    Best wishes for a lovely New Year :)

  2. Hi Susie
    Thanks for your note..what similar lives we lead! My son's girlfriend arrived from Sydney today and is in shock. It was her first trip out of Australia. My daughter is in simiiar mode to your daughter...counting the days till she can be with her b/f again. What would we do without Skype?? Two of our four children have moved to the UK with us. One attends Univ. in Canberra and the other is starting Univ. in Christchurch in Feb. Needless to say I have not seen the end of my Qantas air miles. We will be in the UK for a few years and hope to call Sydney home someday. At least that is the plan for now...you just never know!
    All the best
    Jeanne :)

  3. Mmmm totally agree Susie... Although here we have been on a mini holiday hre visiting places with my niece and had a beach day today... So pleased you had a great Christmas with GG - know exactly what you mean about the skype and boyfriends though!

  4. It is a very strange week, isn't it Susie. We tend to lounge around, not eating proper meals but grazing all day on whatever is left !!!!
    I wish you and your family everthing that you wish yourselves for 2010 and look forward to more of your posts next year. With much love. XXXX

  5. You have enough food for the next six months? Awesome...I'm sending over my troops. I can't fill them up. I've tried. It's someone elses turn. Meredy xo.
    p.s. Happy New Year to you and your peeps.
